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Conquistas de Dee30


Novato (1/14)



  1. Hello my name is Dee, and Im a Electronics Technician and I repair motherboards, mainly laptops. I know most of the signals but as technology grows fast, signals sometimes is different in motherboards, but main signal is same in all laptop motherboards.
  2. Hello, ok, I have a IR6000 machine, and it took me a very long time to learn my machine, all machines are different, but, ive learned a new method which guarantees to work perfectly no matter which machine you have. THIS IS MANUAL METHOD, SO PLEASE BE CAREFUL AND EXPERIMENT WITH ANOTHER BAD RUBBISH MOTHERBOARD BEFORE YOU USE ON GOOD MOTHERBOARD. I DONT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY IF YOU USE GOOD BARD AND GO WRONG,PRACTICE FIRST!! TOP IR HEATER SHOULD BE 1.5 inch or 4cm away from motherboard chip. Read all steps first before trying this. follow carefully and it will be ok. we not using any profiles, this is manually doing method. !. make a profile for top heater to come on 225C straight away for 15mins, we not using 15 min but just to stay on and we manually turn off later in the steps you will see. DO NOT START MACHINE PROFILE YET!! 2. bottom heater you set to 100c for now. 3. ok now put your motherboard on the bga machine with the temp sensor on the board near the bga chip you want to remove. 4. VERY CAREFULLY FOLLOW, turn on profile machine START button for IR6000,and press the RUN button immediately on the IR6000 machine to pause top heater profile, other machine may be different and you need to find out how to pause profile, otherwise your top heater temp will go to 225c to fast. 5. now wait for bottom preheater to warm the board first, your top heater may be start at 20c - 40c pause depending on room temp, its ok for this. 6. when your bottom heater reach 100C on the IR6000 left controller dispaly, you will see your top temp sensor in the GREEN display in right controller to be some temperature but not 100C, so you need to adjust the bottom heater while is turn on to make the top thermo sensor to read at least 125c or 130c preheat board temp. 7. after top sensor reach 125c temp keep here for maybe 2 to 3mins 8. NOW TURN ON TOP heater from pause by pressing the run button and make top heater reach 145c. 9. after top heater reach 145c, press the RUN BUTTON AGAIN to pause you will see GREEN NUMBER indicator IR6000 for top sensor reach 145c slowely. 10. At 145c keep here for maybe 2min , the press RUN BUTTON to start from 145c to 165c and pause again here for 4mins (UNLEADED) 2mins (leaded). 11. unpause again top heater to 185c and pause again when the sensor reach this, and keep for 3mins. 12 Now unpause again to reach top temp to 205 and pause again here for 2mins 13, finally unpause to 220c and keep here for maybe 1min and remove chip, if chip still hard, leave here for a little more time maybe 1min extra and make sure to add more flux around chip and you will see chip loose and you can remove. THIS IS MANUAL METHOD AND WORKS PERFECTLY!! As all motherboards are different and thickness is different, so the temperature for profile is different, and you will have to make too many profiles, so this manual method is much better because you can adjust the bottom heater manually to any motherboard to reach 125c in the start, all motherboard may need more bottom heat to reach 125c or maybe need less, so at least this manual method you can adjust very quickly and remove chip easily to any motherboard. Ok so i do not recommend reflow because chip maybe already damage inside, even if you reball same chip, the board will fail again in few weeks or few months because chip is no good inside, you need new GPU chip if it is AMD. For southbridge its ok, but northbridge and GPU you need new chip, i waste so many years reballing same chip and keeps failing, so new chip is always best, NOT REFURBISHED CHIP, BRAND NEW CHIP ONLY, there is too many fake ones so be careful. HOPE THIS HELKP EVRYONE FOR IR6000 machine.


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