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HT-R490 - Perfil

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Eu tinha salvo alguns perfiz que uso e outros que o ninja e o wil postaram.

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Laptop VGA reflow-tested

Upper Air Speed: 8

                1 2 3 4 5

Top Air Ramp: 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00

Top Air Temp: 150 180 215 230 235

Top Air Dwell: 40 40 30 40 20

Segment Ramp time (secs) =

Segment Time including dwell (secs)= 00:43

01:23 00:10

00:50 00:11

00:41 00:05

00:45 00:01



Lower Air Ramp: 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00

Lower Air Temp: 150 180 215 220 225

Lower Air Dwell: 40 40 30 40 20

Segment Ramp time (secs) =

Segment Time including dwell (secs)= 00:43

01:23 00:10

00:50 00:11

00:41 00:01

00:41 00:01



Laptop Altera 1a - HP dv6000 boards

Upper Air Speed: 7

              1 2 3 4 5 6

Top Air Ramp: 1.50 1.50 0.40 1.00 1.00 5.50

Top Air Temp: 110 225 245 265 245 175

Top Air Dwell: 15 30 30 30 0 0

Segment Ramp time (secs) =

Segment Time including dwell (secs)= 01:00

01:15 01:16

01:46 00:50

01:20 00:20

00:50 00:20

00:20 00:12



Lower Air Ramp: 1.50 1.50 0.40 0.00

Lower Air Temp: 110 225 245

Lower Air Dwell: 15 30 175

Segment Ramp time (secs) =

Segment Time including dwell (secs)= 01:00

01:15 01:16

01:46 00:50

03:45 00:00

00:00 00:00

00:00 00:00



Anti warp profile.  Thin board Thick Intel chip - Acer TravelMate 5320

Profile specifically for boards that warp easily.

Upper Air Speed: 5

                1 2 3 4 5

Top Air Ramp: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 2.00

Top Air Temp: 100 140 210 220 230

Top Air Dwell: 25 30 49 14 30

Segment Ramp time (secs) =

Segment Time including dwell (secs)= 01:25

01:50 00:40

01:10 01:10

01:59 00:06

00:20 00:05



Lower Air Ramp: 1.00 1.00 1.20 1.20 3.00

Lower Air Temp: 100 140 235 245 250

Lower Air Dwell: 25 30 40 12 40

Segment Ramp time (secs) =

Segment Time including dwell (secs)= 01:25

01:50 00:40

01:10 01:19

01:59 00:08

00:20 00:01




Laptop nvidia ic lift

Upper Air Speed: 5

                1 2 3 4 5

Top Air Ramp: 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00

Top Air Temp: 165 195 215 235 245

Top Air Dwell: 40 70 70 50 50

Segment Ramp time (secs) =

Segment Time including dwell (secs)= 02:15

02:55 00:10

01:20 00:06

01:16 00:06

00:56 00:10



Lower Air Ramp: 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00

Lower Air Temp: 165 195 215 260 270

Lower Air Dwell: 40 70 70 50 50

Segment Ramp time (secs) =

Segment Time including dwell (secs)= 02:15

02:55 00:10

01:20 00:06

01:16 00:15

01:05 00:10



Laptop intel ic lift - this is the perfet laptop intel ic lift profile

Upper Air Speed: 5

                1 2 3 4 5

Top Air Ramp: 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00

Top Air Temp: 165 185 215 235 245

Top Air Dwell: 40 40 40 45 45

Segment Ramp time (secs) =

Segment Time including dwell (secs)= 02:15

02:55 00:06

00:46 00:10

00:50 00:06

00:51 00:10



Lower Air Ramp: 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00

Lower Air Temp: 165 195 225 245 260

Lower Air Dwell: 40 40 40 45 45

Segment Ramp time (secs) =

Segment Time including dwell (secs)= 02:15

02:55 00:10

00:50 00:10

00:50 00:06

00:51 00:15







R1 3.00  L1 60  D1 60 

R2 3.00  L2 156  D2 40

R3 3.00  L3 195  D3 40

R4 3.00  L4 215  D4 40

R5 3.00  L5 225  D5 40

R6 3.00  L6 245  D6 45

R7 end



pra remover ou soldar chip com solda leaded (com chumbo)




R1 3.00  L1 60  D1 60 

R2 3.00  L2 156  D2 40

R3 3.00  L3 195  D3 40

R4 3.00  L4 215  D4 40

R5 3.00  L5 225  D5 40

R6 end



Perfil para XBOX - HT-R490

todos são R3


165  190  205  230  240

055  055  040  050  050


165  190  220  240  260

055  055  040  050  050


200  200  200  200  200

000  000  000  000  050



configs originais de fábrica e confere se para entrar nessa config do parâmetro, segure apertado o botão par/set por alguns segs


par/set  prog = idle

              tune = off

              prop = 18

              int.t  = 4

              dir.t  = 1

              h c.t = 1.0

              loc  = 800



ptn 0  r1  3.00  l1  60    d1 60  r2  3.00  l2  165    d2 40  r3 3.00  l3 195  d3 40

r4 3.00  l4 215  d4 40  r5 3.00  l5 225  d5 40  r6 3.00  l6 245  d6 45  r7 3.00 

l7 265  d7 40  r8 3.00  l8 275  d8 45               



no segundo controlador é a msm coisa.


lembrando se for usar o ptn0 de fábrica, qdo for remover chip com solda sem chumbo, na metade do step 6 ,já vai dando uns toquinhos com um palito de sorvete pra ver se já soltou o chip (geralmente ao final do 6 já estará solto)


e para soldar com as esferas com chumbo pare logo que entrar o step 6


a vazão de ar eu uso 3,5  mas qdo vou ressoldar o soq de mobos de pc lga eu jogo 5,0 de ar  e páro no final do step 7


obs.: só aperte o botão vermelho após ter tirado o chip, senão o cooler entra em ação e resfria a mobo quase que instantaneamente.


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