Caros amigos, estou com o problema do loop também. Meu aparelho Xperia C2304
Já tentei reinstalar o firmware (pelo flashtool e pelo Companion) e da erro no meio do processo.
Abaixo o log do erro no flash tool: (ele não está entrando no Hard Reset também)
24/057/2017 21:57:09 - INFO - <- This level is successfully initialized
24/057/2017 21:57:10 - INFO - Flashtool Version built on 19-01-2017 21:50:00
24/057/2017 21:57:10 - INFO - Executing search strategies to find proxy selector
24/057/2017 21:57:11 - INFO - No proxy found for IE. Trying next one
24/057/2017 21:57:11 - INFO - Strategy firefox failed trying next one : No Firefox installation found
24/057/2017 21:57:11 - INFO - No proxy found for java. Trying next one
24/057/2017 21:57:11 - INFO - Syncing devices from github
24/057/2017 21:57:11 - INFO - Opening devices repository.
24/057/2017 21:57:11 - INFO - Scanning devices folder for changes.
24/057/2017 21:57:22 - INFO - Pulling changes from github.
24/057/2017 21:57:23 - INFO - Quietly closing devices repository.
24/057/2017 21:57:23 - INFO - Devices sync finished.
24/057/2017 21:57:23 - INFO - Loading devices database
24/057/2017 21:57:23 - INFO - Loaded 94 devices
24/057/2017 21:57:23 - INFO - Starting phone detection
24/057/2017 21:57:29 - INFO - Device disconnected
24/059/2017 21:59:02 - INFO - Selected Bundle for Sony Xperia C(C2304). FW release : 16.0.B.2.16. Customization : Claro BR
24/059/2017 21:59:03 - INFO - Preparing files for flashing
24/001/2017 22:01:42 - INFO - Please connect your device into flashmode.
24/001/2017 22:01:55 - INFO - Device connected in flash mode
24/001/2017 22:01:55 - INFO - Opening device for R/W
24/001/2017 22:01:55 - INFO - Reading device information
24/001/2017 22:01:55 - INFO - Phone ready for flashmode operations.
24/001/2017 22:01:55 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
24/001/2017 22:01:55 - INFO - Current device : C2304 - LQ4715B02989 - 1278-6902_R4A - 1275-5177_16.0.B.2.16 - WORLD-a_16.0.B.2.16
24/001/2017 22:01:56 - INFO - Closing TA partition
24/001/2017 22:01:56 - INFO - Start Flashing
24/001/2017 22:01:56 - INFO - Processing loader.sin
24/001/2017 22:01:56 - INFO - Checking header
24/001/2017 22:01:56 - INFO - Flashing data
24/001/2017 22:01:57 - INFO - Loader : S1_Root_bb35 - Version : MT6589_12 / Boot version : 2.14.J.2.16 / Bootloader status : NOT_ROOTABLE
24/001/2017 22:01:57 - INFO - Max packet size set to 512K
24/001/2017 22:01:57 - INFO - USB buffer size set to 512K
24/002/2017 22:02:10 - INFO - No flash script found. Using 0.9.18 flash engine
24/002/2017 22:02:10 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
24/002/2017 22:02:10 - INFO - Writing TA unit 00002774. Value : 01
24/002/2017 22:02:10 - INFO - Closing TA partition
24/002/2017 22:02:54 - INFO - Ending flash session
24/002/2017 22:02:54 - ERROR -
24/002/2017 22:02:54 - ERROR - Error flashing. Aborted
24/002/2017 22:02:54 - INFO - Flashing finished.
24/002/2017 22:02:54 - INFO - Please unplug and start your phone
24/002/2017 22:02:54 - INFO - For flashtool, Unknown Sources and Debugging must be checked in phone settings
24/002/2017 22:02:55 - INFO - Device connected in flash mode
24/002/2017 22:02:55 - INFO - Device disconnected