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Conquistas de Jacksoft


Novato (1/14)



  1. Probably the BD's logic board is dead. You have to try to grab a new BD's logic board (or a new BD drive) and remarry to the PS3's motherboard. (otherwhise it will NOT work!)
  2. Jacksoft

    apresentação Jack - Rome - Italy

    1. I found this forum by searching information about flashrom + ch341a + KB9028, via Google. 2. I'm a spare-time technichan, it's not my main work! I love electronics but I prefer to do not use as main job. 3. I'm able to read schematics, use programmers, and compile stuff (windows/linux) and have a good soldering skills. I designed some small PCBs in Eagle years ago. 4. Degree in electronics and telecommunications. Worked as technichan on smartphones and PC in a shop and repaired random stuff (console, stereos, tv) in the spare time.


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