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    Rostov-na-Donu, Russian Federation

Conquistas de Yuriy_Z


Novato (1/14)



  1. 1. I found out about the forum by accident while searching for a BIOS dump through Google. 2.I have been working as an engineer in a service center for the repair of office equipment for 6 years. 3. I have a basic engineering education in the field of operation and repair of computer equipment. Nevertheless, I am constantly improving my knowledge and skills of repair. Each new renovation is a challenge. 4. Initially, I was engaged in software development, but life so developed that I had to master the repair of computer electronic equipment. My father was a radio engineer and radio amateur, and I watched him work from childhood. At first it seemed to me like magic, but gradually my father began to help me understand the electronics. Then he received a technical education and began to work in his specialty.


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