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Foram encontrados 6 registros

  1. ak786h

    apresentação AK786h - South Africa

    Hello 1. I found out about Eletrônica BR through Google 2. I am a IT Manager in the data center space 3. I intent to learn more about IOT devices 4. I am keen on alway learning new things
  2. lost_sock

    apresentação Drew from Cape Town, South Africa

    Hello, I am new here. Found this site on Google looking for this file. I have read the instructions to get credits but the translation to english is confusing and I am not sure what I must do to get credits. I am an entrepreneur in the AV industry and an electronics hobbyist.
  3. Bagz

    apresentação Bagz/South Africa

    1. From google 2. Amateur 3.learn to repair gpu 4.bought a dead card and now trying to fix it
  4. Funanani Mudau

    apresentação Mr Tech - South Africa

    Good day i came accorss this website via search when i was serching for schematic and boardviews, I am a computer, laptop and cellphone technician. i will most need schematics and boardviewers from this wwbsite,
  5. Frans Mkhonto

    apresentação Frans Mkhonto / South Africa

    Good day, my name is Lucky I found out about this site on Google. I'm a newbie when it comes to bios programming and I'm yet to learn more about bios programming. I'm still a student who's learning more about computers and gadgets.
  6. ikraam

    apresentação Ikraam Cape Town South Africa

    Hail guys, I'm an entrepreneur I have a repaires company in computers, consols ,cell phones etc, I'm joining the forum for the exchange of knowledge,


EletrônicaBR é o melhor fórum técnico online, temos o maior e mais atualizado acervo de Esquemas, Bios e Firmwares da internet. Através de nosso sistema de créditos, usuários participativos têm acesso totalmente gratuito. Os melhores técnicos do mundo estão aqui!
Técnico sem o EletrônicaBR não é um técnico completo! Leia Mais...
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