hello all, it is nice to meet you. I am certainly appreciative of the amount of validation you require just to post, as well as download. Great Work!!!!
1. How did you know ElectronicBR? (e.g. Google or another site) lookgin for a random M/B manual
2:U What is your technical level? Tech.
3. What electronics/computer-related skills do you have or intend to acquire? Just learn the new O/S as they come they come
4. Tell us a little bit about yourself. Anything at all.
1. How did you know ElectronicBR? (ex: Google or another site)
2. What is your technical level? (Amateur, Student, Technician, Engineer, Entrepreneur)
3. What electronics/computer-related skills do you have or intend to acquire?
4. Tell us a little bit about yourself. Anything at all. love computers, and software. music, programing, building, fixing them you name it i love it!!