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Foram encontrados 5 registros

  1. Hello everyone, thankz to be here I'm carl a newbie, and I'm a brownline tech also a newbie in computer repairs. Good day and thank you!
  2. logan28792000

    apresentação John Senon Philippines

    Hi, I found your lovely in Google that I accidentally search a model for my tv, I am a student in field of electronics. I have an EMMC PROGRAMMER, RT809H, and a flash programmer along with the small other tools for my work. I love electronics for building some diy projects, and I can use my ski...
  3. Red Star

    apresentação Romy Concepcion / Philippines

    I found this site via Google. My technical level is Entrepreneur. My skill is intermediate level and would like to learn more about motherboard and graphics card troubleshooting and repair. I am a retro PC enthusiast and have Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium 4 and...
  4. estorninosn

    apresentação Nolan Estorninos, Philippines

    1. I found this site through google 2. Im an amateur technician. 3. I want to be able to service laptops and computers. 4. Im just starting in this field as a hobby and a sideline. Its frustrating sometimes but I love doing this things. So i keep on trying again and again. Hope this s...
  5. found your site @ google. Im a Electronic technician. Service Repair and maintenance. sharing and learning ideas.


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