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Foram encontrados 4 registros

  1. Hi ! My name is Andrew. I'm from Ukraine, i'm kind of technician that repairs everythyng that has some relation to electronic and electricity But the main stream is a cellular phones repair. I found this ste while searching for PC's mainboard schematics over the Gooogle and hope to find many i...
  2. andrey78

    apresentação Andrii, Kiev, Ukraine

    Hello, I got to know ElectronicsBR through Google. I have a technical education. I can install software. I want to learn how to install firmware on monitors. I work as an engineer at an enterprise.
  3. Меня зовут Владислав, я из Украины. Работаю инженером по ремонту пк и ноутбуков более 5 лет
  4. airfuntik

    apresentação Sergey - Zaporozhye - Ukraine

    I found out about this forum a couple of weeks ago using Google. I have been working in the equipment repair industry for 3 years. Registered on the forum to gain and exchange knowledge.


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