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Tudo que Phil publicou

  1. Previously I had already done the tests you recommend, today I did them again and the computer has the same problem. I have 2 other dells, one is the same and I also mounted the working computer power supply, the only thing that didn't I did is replace the CPU, I'm waiting to buy it to try, I don't want to disassemble the one of the working computer. I have to say however that with the tester, measure 1.46 volts in the green wire at the base of the motherboard, it doesn't seem normal to me , nearby there is an SMD capacitor which when the computer is faulty I find it shorted, but if the computer is running the short disappears. I also thought of a mosfet that manages the ram, which works bad
  2. 20230530_100202[1].webm I hope I haven't messed up in posting this way. I must say that having other dell optiplex 7010 sff machines I was able to do some tests by replacing the power supply which is actually not original but it is functional @Infotec SP I hope I haven't messed up in posting this way. I must say that having other dell optiplex 7010 sff machines I was able to do some tests by replacing the power supply which is actually not original but it is functional
  3. Mi spiego meglio il difetto: il computer è un Dell Optiplex 7010 SFF, scheda madre LA0601, CPU G2030 sul timbro di carta incollato sulla scheda, leggo CN-OGXM1W, allego foto e video dove si vede chiaramente il difetto. In pratica premendo il pulsante il computer prova ad avviarsi ma non ci riesce, appena tengo premuto il pulsante per 10 secondi il computer smetterà di tentare l'avvio. Subito dopo premo di nuovo il pulsante e il computer si avvierà dopo aver effettuato una falsa partenza. Ho fatto delle prove (posso dire con certezza che i vari componenti sono funzionanti, così come la batteria e la pasta termica sostituite) ma ho notato 2 cose, la prima è che staccando il grosso connettore dell'alimentatore leggo 1,45 volt su il filo verde con il tester ,penso che dovrei leggere 0 volt. La seconda cosa che ho notato è che solo smontando la ram il computer parte regolarmente, ma ovviamente sappiamo tutti che non funzionerà mai. Ho richiesto la lista dei componenti per capire il valore dei componenti SMD, ma allo stesso tempo non capisco il sistema di crediti per poter eventualmente scaricare gli schemi. Sicuramente sarà stato lungo, ma credo che così ho dettagliato meglio il difetto, grazie mille per le eventuali risposte Unfortunately I can't upload a video, even if I reduce the size (error - 200 ) 20230530_100202[1].mp4 @Infotec SP 20230530_100202[1].webm
  4. In my opinion it could be the ram or the battery, surely someone expert could give you a better answer
  5. Grazie per avermi accettato in questo forum, ho bisogno dello schema e dei componenti per la scheda madre optiplex 7010 sff, spero che qualcuno di voi possa aiutarmi. Grazie Let me explain the defect better: the computer is a Dell Optiplex 7010 SFF, motherboard mother LA0601, CPU G2030 on the paper stamp pasted on the diagram, I read CN-OGXM1W, I attach photos and videos where the defect is clearly seen. In practice pressing the button the computer tries to boot but fails, as soon as I hold the button for 10 seconds the computer will stop attempting to boot. Soon after I press the button again and the computer will boot after making a false start. I did some tests (I can tell with certainty that the various components are working, as well as the battery and the substitute thermal paste) but I noticed 2 things, the first is that by unplugging the large power supply connector I read 1.45 volts on the green wire with the tester, I think it should read 0 volts. The second thing I noticed is that only by disassembling the ram the computer starts regularly, but of course we all know that will never work. I requested the component list to understand the value of the SMD components
  6. Phil

    apresentação Hello my name is Phil I live in Toronto

    Hello my name is Phil I live in Toronto , congratulations your site is very interesting. I am passionate about electronics and information technology I came to know about EletrônicaBR through a google search


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