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Edwar estiven peña gaviria

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  1. Pin 14 dial 3.37 by pressing button 3.37 Pin 108 0.00 by pressing 0.00V button Pin 109 3.39V by pressing button 3.39V pin 110 3.36 Pressing button 0.00v Pin 111 3.39 by pressing button 3.39V
  2. I'm really sorry if I don't answer you right away and I will recover (hospital) more or less, but I'm already close to the plate, I already try the pins you mention
  3. 1: Power button, if you have 3.2V 2: The power button if it goes to 0V Note that I hope is useful: In some touches (not all) that I do to the power button does not go down to 0v but goes down from 3.2v to 1.25v and returns to 3.2 Pin 33 of the Super IO marks 5.0v Pin 75 marks 3.3V Pin 100 3.3V Pin 105 marks 0.0v pin 110 cuandro preciono the power button pass from 3.3v to 0 and to 3.3v again I write all this since I do not have the schematic, so these measurements are what I know in a way General, and I do not know if the data are explicitly what you are requesting. and I thank you for the help
  4. in the case of the 19v if depsues of the mosfet if in the piece that has the numbering Pr301 I have the 19V (both before and after the mosfet), and in the case of the 3.3 and 5v if I also have them
  5. I have a levono g40-80, which does not turn on, shows that the power led and battery are working, but the equipment itself does nothing, I have a laboratory source and the source tells me in the amperage that it is consuming 0.012 A without the battery, with battery are 1.038A and the 20v are maintained, estor a little blind since I do not have the schematic, if anyone is so kind to help me i would appreciate it very much.
  6. Aquí están las respuestas a las preguntas solicitadas: 1:eh conocido EletrônicaBR a través de la búsqueda en google y un canal de YouTube 2: mi nivel de formación técnica es: Técnico 3: Tengo la intención de adquirir los conocimientos de reparación de placas magras por cortocircuitos, corrupción de bios y otros problemas que pueda tener el equipo 4: Un poco de mí, soy una persona que es muy curiosa y quiere aprender para poder mejorar aún más, también me gusta modificar sistemas como hobby, entre otras cosas Realmente aprecio el tiempo de la persona que lee esto y le deseo un buen día.


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