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Iain Kyle

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  1. Thanks, this looks just like what I need. I've posted an introduction, once that is approved will that give the required credits to download this bios file or do I need to do something else?
  2. Iain Kyle

    apresentação Iain / Oxford / United Kingdom

    Hi everyone, I'm an amateur PC enthusiast who found this site through Google. I've been searching everywhere for a particular bios file and think I may have found it here. I love budget PCs and making things do what they're not meant to do would love to learn more about bios hacking. I'm thinking of starting a tech-based YouTube channel.


EletrônicaBR é o melhor fórum técnico online, temos o maior e mais atualizado acervo de Esquemas, Bios e Firmwares da internet. Através de nosso sistema de créditos, usuários participativos têm acesso totalmente gratuito. Os melhores técnicos do mundo estão aqui!
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