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Epson wf-7830 error 031006
Morrisohbig postou um tópico em Casos resolvidos - Impressoras e Copiadoras
I have replaced the f301 in epson wf7830 but the same error 031006. What else could be the problem. The main board of wf7830 looks as in the attached photos below. Initially the printer was installed with ciss and worked perfect. But during transportation, ink spill in the printer head contacts with fcc cable. Few visible burns were present. But i trimmed the fcc and cleaned the printer head contacts. Ofcourse the fuse in the board was broken and i replaced it with another fuse. However by the time the printer was brought to me, the fuse had been looped. I removed the loop and put a good fuse. Now when i connected back everything, the printer goes on in several different ways. First, it boots in printer inspection mode, there is a list of the inspections. After i tried all of them, an error 031006 appears. Indicating that fuse is broken but in actual sense the fuse is not broken.image1.jpg shows how the printer screen as it turns on appears . I have tried all those options but the printer does not complete initialization and gets stuck at printer error 031006. According to service manual, this error is caused by a broken fuse, a defective head or a defective main board. Secondly, i may shut down and start again and starts with a different screen for fax test mode as in the image2.jpg shown below. then after a short while the screen turns to as shown in the image4.jpg. With a warning to press on button then a red screen appears saying flag check. Initial flag off and inspection flag on as shown in image 3. And image4 My two geatest concerns here are the error code 031006 which signifies fuse is open and is not. I removed same head and installed in epson wf 3820, which appears to be the A4 version of wf-7830, and finished all initial checks to home screen and ready to print. So apart from fuse, ffc cables and head, or main board, what else could cause error 031006? Point to note is that when i turn on the printer in service mode, and select special inspection, the error that comes is 031004, but normal mode or normal inspection brings the 031006 error. The fuse that is said to be head fuse but its in the main board is as shown in image5.jpg What does the fuse protect in the main board? In my previous experience with older epson models, the fuse protects power transistors and an ic commonly called power ic that acts as the printer head driver circuit. Older models; these ics are common and available. The new series of epson printers especially with precision core heads do not have common transistors with 5 or 3 pins. But has a pair of mosfets. Normally when mosfets are burnt the printer doesnt power on. The mosfets in the wf 7830 printer look like in image6 below In this printer, there is absence of the common two row pins ic(Sop) that drives the head. But as you can see in the above figure, there is an ic 301 (32pins).ic is labled (Epson 041B.G05141Japan) close to the mosfets, could this ic be the sole reason for my printer not to initialize the head? And if yes, where can i get this ic from. Or is there a way of reprogramming it,. Image7.jpg shows a clear image of the ic I have tried looking for any part number related to the ic in vain. If anybody can assist with this ics part number i would gladly appreciate.Secondly, could all this trouble be caused by failure of the printer not being initialized, then how do you initialize, i have failed all attempts to get its firmware online. And the firmware displayed by wic tool is CB03L8 Image8.jpg shows the model of the main board -
 resolvido Epson L6191 Especificação fusível F301 F1
Rexona postou um tópico em Impressoras e Copiadoras
Boa noite, Minha impressora está com o famoso erro 031006 ao ligar, relacionado ao fusível F301 queimado, ou o F1 nos modelos anteriores. Já desmontei e a cabeça não tem curto aparente. Antes de partir para a gambiarra de jumpear o fusível, gostaria de saber se alguém sabe a especificação dele, procurei por tudo e aqui no fórum e não achei. Vi num vídeo em espanhol que o cara tinha esse fusível F1 pra trocar, mas não achei nada a respeito da especificação técnica do componente. Será que F301 e F1 seriam iguais? Agradeço a ajuda. EDIT: F1 vs F301 devem ter uma pequena diferença de especificação (possuem letras diferentes impressas no componente), comprei no aliexpress o que seria o F1 e está funcionando normalemente no F301.
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