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i am supposed to make a thread to be able to download. here you go this is a thread
 dica Equivalent to this IC 2501
alidehghani postou um tópico em Identificação e Equivalência de Componentes
- 1 resposta
- equivalent to this ic
- equivalent
- (mais 2)
 dica Equivalent to this IC
alidehghani postou um tópico em Identificação e Equivalência de Componentes
SD 2501-
- equivalent to this ic
- equivalent
- (mais 1)
 tutorial Your PC does not turn on? Try this trick to check the RTC circuit in your desktop motherboard
Raydel87 postou um tópico em Motherboards, PCs, All in One & Cia
When you press the power button on the front panel of your desktop board and nothing happens, one of the things you should check is the RTC oscillator circuit. If this circuit is not working properly the chipset won’t de-assert SLP_S3# signal and the computer won’t turn on. One easy way to check this is to press the front panel power button and then touch the 32.768 khz crystal pins with one finger. The electrostatic on your finger will induce clock pulses on the Pierce oscillator inside the chipset and the board will turn on. Be careful of not having too much electrostatic build up on your fingers; you could also a multi-meter on the ohm scale instead of your finger. If this trick works on your dead board, it means the RTC clock circuit is faulty. You could try replace the crystal, the 10Mohms resistors, or use an external 32.768 khz clock oscillator IC. Hope it helps someone.-
- 1
- does not turn on
- no power
- (mais 10)
Hello, I'm thinking about buying the Callisto Protocol game, but opinions are different about it, mostly related to the game's mechanics. Has anyone played this game and can comment on it?
Pessoal, nao consigo atualizar a minha bios, comprei o arquivo da bios x7-v124 mas ao utilizar para fazer a atualização aparece o erro 1e - error secure flash function is not supported on this file como posso resolver isso? Me ajudem por favor
 apresentação Hello, my name is Abd al-Salam, I am from Syria, but I live in Turkey in Istanbul.
abdusselam alhillo postou um tópico em Apresentações
I have been working in the field of laptop maintenance for five years. I am twenty-five years old. I am lucky because I found this site, and I have the honor to get to know -
Hi im Gerard and new to this forum. Im interested in domotica and just find out how to solder with smd components, and that was easier than I thought and now I see new possibilities in everything As an example I now have an old laptop with onboard memory and emmc harddisk and I want to expand this and search all corners of the internet for information and hope to be able to find a few things here too. And lots of more...
اريد الانضمام اليك من فضلك. أنا مهندس كمبيوتر. سوف اساعد كثيرا في هذا المجال. الرجاء مساعدتي للانضمام
Técnico sem o EletrônicaBR não é um técnico completo! Leia Mais...