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Conquistas de alifathinejad


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  1. Hello, please check this file. And declare the result
  2. Hello. I gave the changes in plc. I was able to fix the problem. Thanks for your support.
  3. @Paulo Noce @Neo 1-we checked all sensor connection before but still we have problem 2-we think the file for programming dvp-12sc that seamarkzm support sent before is not totally compatible with our dvp-12sc plc SN 3-so please send us any files that we need to programming our dvp-12sc ** i have to mention that , duo to sanction for Iranian people we can't pay site membership fee, to download any file , thanks so much for your support
  4. @Neo @Paulo Noce 1-We use zm-r5860c, the battery of dvp-12sc died and so the program of that erased, then we send SN of our zm-r5860c to seamarkzm support , they reply to us "we have lost the software for the SN: ZM111589, I send a general version of the PLC software, maybe you can try to install it, instruction docs attached" **they sent this file 2-We programed zm-r5860c by instruction but we encountered to "top temp high, low temp high temp high", we try to fix this error by instruction that you recommend (top, bottom overtemp=400, infrared overtemp=300) but the error still not repair! the " temp high " show again in monitor ***now please explain for us how we can fix problem, or please send any file that we need for repair. We attached picture step by step that we explain above
  5. 1-We use zm-r5860c, the battery of dvp-12sc died and so the program of that erased, then we send SN of our zm-r5860c to seamarkzm support , they reply to us "we have lost the software for the SN: ZM111589, I send a general version of the PLC software, maybe you can try to install it, instruction docs attached" **they sent this file 2-We programed zm-r5860c by instruction but we encountered to "top temp high, low temp high temp high", we try to fix this error by instruction that you recommend (top, bottom overtemp=400, infrared overtemp=300) but the error still not repair! the " temp high " show again in monitor now please explain for us how we can fix problem, or please send any file that we need for repair. We attached picture step by ep that we explain above


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