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Tudo que alex-ru publicou

  1. Thanks for the answer! I found almost all of these sites through internet searches. They all use the same web design, which was taken from a clothing store, so all components are described mainly as “capacitor 1000uF 20V”, “resistor 100 Ohm 2W” - their type, model, case, datasheet are usually not indicated, only for a few dozen components. As a rule, Chinese garbage is on sale. Mercadolivre is the Brazilian Aliexpress, there can't be anything decent there. I'm looking for something like this:
  2. Hi guys! I recently moved to Brazil for a long period of time and am developing equipment for digital video broadcasting. In addition, for me it’s not just a job, but my hobby and my whole life is connected with electronics. I encountered a variety of things: shocking import taxes, lack of quality equipment and martials in local stores. Please advise where I can buy high-quality general-purpose components as cheaply and quickly as possible: resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors..? Is there at least one store or distributor of the level of Digikey, Mouser, Avnet... in Brazil? is the best store I could find, but it is still quite weak. For example, I need to buy an electrolytic capacitor Nichicon/Rubicon/Nippon-Chemi Con in a certain package with certain ESR/ESL/Ripple Current characteristics. Where is the best place to do this? I tried to import from DigiKey, but due to the high import tax it turns out to be quite expensive.


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