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  1. @xandy_73@md arshad @lopek555 i don't have whatsapp number.You can send file to my email is . thank you very much.
  2. i don't have whatsapp number.You can send file to my email is . thank you very much.
  3. zm5860 rework table touch screen program backup,my zm5860 rework table touch screen is bad. I need the program about screen and my rework table model is zm 5860 made in 03/24/2012.Please help me, if you can't backup the file, I can teach you to backup the software about touch screen.
  4. Hello, I have the plc program, I can help you. I hope you can also help me, I need the touch screen program, I hope you can back up the software about touch screen.If you can't back up touch screen programs, I can teach you to back up.
  5. @Raimundo de Lima Hello, can you back up the program of the touch screen? My program has been lost, thank you very much
  6. Hello, can you back up the program of the touch screen? My program has been lost, thank you very much
  7. The electrical wiring diagram inside the zm5860 repair table and the specific model of the rex-c10 temperature control module. The thermostat of its rex-c10 is broken, I don't know the model of the thermostat, and the internal wires were removed when cleaning the ash without taking photos. I hope my friend can take a picture of the electrical wiring diagram inside the repair table and the specific model of the rex-c10 thermostat for me. Thank you very much.
  8. zzeng

    apresentação zzeng/daban/qunma

    1.GOOGLE a student 3. i want to get some fix computer knowledges. a good boy.


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