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câmeras camera ip address lost

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Abdulkader Mustafa

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23 horas atrás, Abdulkader Mustafa disse:

I bought a used camera and I did not find its IP address. I connected it to the NVR but to no avail. Are there other ways?

These cameras cannot be connected to an NVR, and for it to work you will have to use the driver that the brand itself makes available on its website, so just have the brand and model on hand and look for the driver that will be installed. on your PC or even on your cell phone. After installing it, it will search for the camera that is connected and make its data available and then you can execute the settings you want it to perform ok.
I hope I have helped you in some way, my nobleman.
Good luck    :)

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  • 3 semanas depois...

@Abdulkader Mustafa First, you need to check the manufacturer, but if you connect the camera directly to a pc you can use some network scanner and get the camera mac address and then with the mac address you can discover the manufacturer. When you find the manufacturer will be easier to get the how to reset guide and the default Ip address and login. Hope you get it as well.

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