Boa noite pessoal, esse Xbox-360 estava com LT 2.0 e foi atualizado pra Firmware mais nova 17489. Depois tentei colocar a LT 3.0. Problema que não esta lendo os jogos gravados, as vezes aparece mensagem de disco sujo, a maioria diz erro de região, enfim não consigo rodar nada, segue abaixo o log do Jungle Flasher:
Sending Device ID request to port 0x0000
Spi Status: 0x00
Manufacturer ID: 0xEF
Device ID: 0x11
Flash Name: Winbond/NEX(W25P20/NX25P20)
Flash Size: 262144 bytes
Loading firmware file C:\Users\Work\Documents\Xbox-360 111762384307 Gelson\Dummy.bin
MD5 hash: 48e439f0ffee97da08e6429e5760671c
Inquiry string found
Identify string found
Drive key @ 0xA030 CC25095525A755500447C1172ED33F8D
Firmware Osig: [PLDS DG-16D2S 0251]
Firmware is: PhatKey Extract
Auto-Loading firmware file C:\X-Box-360\JungleFlasher v0.1.96 Beta (323)\firmware\LTPlus-0251-v3.0.bin
MD5 hash: d14fe82b96741b7a18e5c1e7adbf0a98
Genuine LT plus v3.0
Firmware Osig: [PLDS DG-16D2S 0251]
Firmware is: LT-Plus 3.0
Spoofing Target
DVD Key copied to target
Target is LT - ID strings not copied to Target
Serial data already matches
Target rev is LT 02510C, serial info not copied
Getting Status from port 0x0000
SPi flash found with Status 0x72
Sending Chip Erase to Port 0x0000
Blank Test !
Reading Bank 0: ................
Reading Bank 1: ................
Reading Bank 2: ................
Reading Bank 3: ................
Blank verified OK !
Getting Status from port 0x0000
SPi flash found with Status 0x72
Sending Chip Erase to Port 0x0000
Writing target buffer to flash
Writing Bank 0: ................
Writing Bank 1: ................
Writing Bank 2: ................
Writing Bank 3: ................
Flash Verification Test !
Reading Bank 0: ................
Reading Bank 1: ................
Reading Bank 2: ................
Reading Bank 3: ................
Write verified OK !
Sending Vendor Outro to port 0x0000
Drive is Lite-On..
Key found in KeyDB at record (2 - Xbox-360 111762384307 Gelson)
Key is: CC25044525A75000E7E7C1172ED33F8D
Key has been tested and verified, thanks C4eva !
Drive is Lite-On..
Key found in KeyDB at record (2 - Xbox-360 111762384307 Gelson)
Key is: CC05095525A75544E7E7C1172E433F8D
Key has been tested and verified, thanks C4eva !