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  1. Olá a todos. Por favor, ajude-me a encontrar o firmware para este monitor. Placa 4H.29D01.A40 (P/N: 5E29D01041)
  2. This problem is present only in laptops with INTEL processors. The INTEL chipset has the so-called ME REGION, which has its own memory and its own firmware. When you first turn on the laptop, this area is initialized, after which the dump from this laptop is unsuitable for transfer to another laptop. To transfer the BIOS, you need to read it from the SPI flash, clear the ME Region in the dump, after which it can be used on another laptop. Solution: You need to flash bios with clean ME Region Esse problema está presente apenas em laptops com processadores INTEL. O chipset INTEL possui a chamada ME REGION, que possui memória e firmware próprios. Quando você liga o laptop pela primeira vez, essa área é inicializada, após o que o despejo deste laptop não é adequado para transferência para outro laptop. Para transferir o BIOS, você precisa lê-lo no flash SPI, limpar a região ME no despejo, após o que pode ser usado em outro laptop. Solução: Você precisa atualizar a bios com a região ME limpa.
  3. You need to flash bios with clean ME Region. If you do not know how to do this, send me your BIOS dump, I will prepare and send it to you Você precisa atualizar a bios com a região ME limpa. Se você não sabe como fazer isso, me envie seu dump da BIOS, eu vou preparar e enviar para você
  4. Привет. Напряжение на PL22 должно появиться после прохождения нескольких почтовых кодов во время зарядки. Какое у вас ремонтное оборудование? Для минимальной диагностики понадобится как минимум POST-карта или осциллограф. Если ничего нет, проверьте работоспособность оперативной памяти и процессора. Также можно переключиться на встроенную в процессор видеокарту: Переставить R144 на место R147, R422 на r423 и убрать PR31 hello. The voltage on PL22 should appear after passing several POST CODEs as it loads. What repair equipment do you have? For minimal diagnostics, you will need at least a POST card or an oscilloscope. If there is nothing, then make sure the RAM and processor are working. You can also switch to the video card built into the processor: Rearrange R144 in place of R147, R422 to r423 and remove PR31
  5. Приветствую!!! Я попал на ваш сайт из гугла. Я, скорее техник, но уже ближе к инженеру))) ремонтирую ноутбуки на профессиональном уровне. Greetings!!! I got to your site from google. I'm more of a technician, but closer to an engineer))) I repair laptops at a professional level.


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